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PA Will Rise Again ...

It's official the Dallas Fort Worth Association of Port Arthurans (DFWAPA), a chapter of the National Association of Port Arthurans (NAPA), was voted into existence on October 1st, 2017 at Shirley Sweet Jackson's home in Dallas, TX. Approximately 30 Port Arthurans from around the DFW area were in attendance, but as many more wanted to be there but could not. DFWAPA is the culmination of about 5 years of Port Arthurans, affectionately known as the PA/DFW Krewe who have relocated to the DFW area getting together each December for a "Taste of P A," with food, fun, and frivolity. Throughout the year small groups of the Krewe socialize together making it only fitting that we should establish a formal chapter of NAPA.

Hurricane Harvey devastated our beloved hometown on August 29th, 2017 prompting the Krewe to establish #PAStrong Operation Clean-up P A. Cleaning supplies, drinking water, and clothing was donate, collected from others who also wanted to do something meaningful, and trucked to Port Arthur for relief. Several members of the Krewe had a first hand view of the devastation from 47 inches of flood waters. Realizing that the effects of Harvey will take time and more resources, DFWAPA partnered with Life Changing Community Development Center, a 501c3 nonprofit corporation created by Angelina Scott-Dunbar. LCCDC was established in 2008 with the ... purpose [of] providing assistance such as housing, food, medical and job skills for those who are less fortunate, homeless, seniors, veterans, low income and single parents.

I speak for all of the Krewe that this is only the beginning, PA will rise again, and we want to be a catalyst in that mission.

#PAStrong Operation Cleanup Port Arthur w/Shirley, Andrea, Elfreda, Taurus (truck driver, not from PA) and Laurna


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